English, asked by smartycut, 3 months ago

1.) The man next door has a garden that is being overrun with cats. Which of the following questions is correct?
Ans: Whose cats are using our neighbour's garden?

2.) Lots of people are confused about when to use "may" and when to use "might". Which one is better here?
Ans: The win against Australia might have been a turning point, but it didn't turn out like that.

3.) Read this sentence carefully. "I'd like to introduce you to my sister Clara, who lives in Madrid, to Benedict, my brother who doesn't, and to my only other sibling, Hilary." Which of the following is correct?
Ans: Hilary is male.

4.) Less and fewer often cause people grief. Which of the following is wrong?
Ans: There's less water in the river these days.

5.) Which of the following sentences correctly contains a semi-colon?
1. My uncle's whiskers are magnificent indeed; but I have no desire to stroke them
2. Landing a plane isn't hard; I once saw a child do it.
3. There are two countries beginning with Z; Zimbabwe and Zambia.

6.) "This is the kind of tedious nonsense up with which I will not put!" Which grammar rule was Winston Churchill supposed to have objected to?
1. Don't start a sentence with but
2. Avoid splitting an infinitive
3. Never end a sentence with a preposition

7.) Sometimes you should use "that" and sometimes "which". Which sentence here is wrong?
1. The car which ran me over was speeding
2. The car that ran me over was speeding
3. The car, which was speeding, ran me over

8.) Consider this sentence: "Do you mind my asking you?" Which of the following does it include?
1. Modal
2. Gerund
3. Imperative

9.) Which of the following is not correct?
1. I was sitting in the chair
2. I sat in the chair
3. I was sat in the chair

10.) "The Queen arrived at the castle with the King by her side, in a dress adorned with hand-sewn embroidered dragons." What kind of mistake is this?
1. Fallen subjunctive
2. Misplaced modifier
3. Dangling participle

plz help me with correct options.


Answered by varsha7760


9) 3

7) 2

i know this two answers only

Answered by AditiHegde

The questions are to be answered in the following manner:

  1. The correct answer to the first question will be (d). Whose cats are using our neighbor's garden?
    This is because, in the text, it was mentioned that there lived a man next door who owned a garden. Hence, it cannot be neighbors' (plural form), it will be neighbor's (singular form). Additionally, who's means 'who is' which is wrong in this context. Hence the correct answer will be (d). Whose cats are using our neighbor's garden?
  2. The use of 'may' in a sentence indicates a strong possibility about any hypothetically considered event. Whereas, 'might' is the term that indicates comparatively less certainty of the event taking place. Hence, the correct example here will be (1). The win against Australia might have been a turning point, but it didn't turn out like that.
  3. The answer to this question lies in understanding the different types of punctuation marks, and how they affect the meaning of a sentence. In the given text, one can spot that there is no comma present before the phrase, "who doesn't". This indicates that Benedict is not the only brother the person has. Additionally, there is no comma at the end of the phrase "my brother". This indicates that the person had just one brother. Hence, the correct answer will be (a). Hilary is male.
  4. The wrong sentence among the given options is (c). I drink less than three coffees a day. This is because 'coffees' is a countable quantity and the word 'less' cannot be used. One should use the word 'fewer' under such situations.
  5. The correct sentence that aptly uses the punctuation mark 'semi-colon' is (b). Landing a plane isn't hard; I once saw a child do it. In the first sentence, semi-colon cannot be used just before the use of the important conjunction, 'but'. In the last sentence, using semi-colon doesn't seem fit.
  6. The grammar rule which Winston Churchill should have objected to is (c). Never end a sentence with a preposition. In this apocryphal story, it is could be assumed that these words were picked up from one of the civil servant's memorandum.
  7. The wrong sentence among the given options is (a) The car which ran me over was speeding. The word 'which' is used to add a new piece of information to the existing one. Whereas, 'that' is used to define the work of the mentioned object.
  8. The correct answer will be (b). Gerund.
  9. The incorrect form of the sentence is (c). I was sat in the chair.
  10. The kind of mistake in the given statement is (b). Misplaced modifier. This type of modifier is used randomly in a sentence to establish a misunderstanding while interpreting the same.


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