Math, asked by preethu67, 1 year ago

1 The monthly
2332, 2315, 2216
2217, 2315, 21
Represent the a
onthly wages in rupees) of 25 workers in a factory are given below.
15 2216, 2347, 2332, 2315, 2217, 2216,2347,2332, 2332,2315,
215, 2217,2210,2347,2332, 2347, 2332,2315, 2217.2216.2347,2347
+ the above data in a frequency distribution table.
ruct a frequency distribution table for the data on heights (in feet)
me of the tallest monuments in the
2 Construct a​


Answered by lovely14345


take one book and graph paper to mark frequency then

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