Business Studies, asked by pj53633, 10 months ago

1. The techniques such as interviews, questionnaires, etc, are used in the …...... Stage related to management
of change.
(A) Objectives
(B) Location and Site
(C) Plant size
(D) Technology

2. Training is the most important function that directly contributes to the development of human resources.
This also happens to be a function in most of the organisation:
(A) Neglected
(B) Selected
(C) option
(D) None of all

3. The main function of training is to …............ Learning.
(A) faciliate
(B) provoking
(C) rest
(D) adjust

4. Which factor devlops its own skills of working, its own techniques, and its own standard of ithics.
(A) Consideration of current and projected changes
(B) Rating scales
(C) Interviews
(D) Questionnaires

5. Which institute helped in developing training as a profession:
(D) D.U.

6. Training should attend ….......... To the current as well as the future needs.
(A) All
(B) None
(C) Both
(D) One
7.. How modes of training are important.
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four

8. Which thing is seen as a useful function for developing organisational strategy.
(A) experience
(B) training
(C) objective
(D) creativity

9. People dealing with training should work more …........... With line people.
(A) openely
(B) closely
(C) secretly
(D) valuable

10. Successful implmentation of the business strategy of an organisation will require which thing.
(A) marketing
(B) functions
(C) Technology
(D) competencies

11. ….......... Is important as it enables a next recruit to become productive as quickly as possible
(A) Induction training
(B) buisness
(C) position
(D) professional

12. …......... Are levels of expertise or skills one has to comply with to do a job properly.
(A) standards
(B) planning
(C) training
(D) performance
13 . …............ Are more likely to buy in to training programmes if they are seen as meeting elt needs.
(A) people
(B) customers
(C) employees
(D) employers

14. Generally who draws up personal development plans will require.
(A) Employees
(B) Terainess
(C) Supervisons
(D) Management


Answered by priyaag2102

The answers are as follows:


  • 1. The techniques such as interviews, questionnaires, etc, are used in the (A) Objective Stage related to management  of change.

  • 2. Training is the most important function that directly contributes to the development of human resources.  This also happens to be a function in most of the organisation (B) Selected.

  • 3. The main function of training is to (A) facilitate Learning.

  • 4. (C) Interviews factor develops its own skills of working, its own techniques, and its own standard of ethics.

  • 5. (A) IIM helped in developing training as a profession.

  • 6. Training should attend to (A) All the current as well as future needs.

  • 7. (C) Three modes of training are important.

  • 8. (A) Experience is seen as a useful function for developing organizational strategy.

  • 9. People dealing with training should work more (B) closely with line people.

  • 10. Successful implementation of the business strategy of an organization will require (D) competencies.

  • 11. (A) Induction training is important as it enables the next recruit to become productive as quickly as possible.

  • 12. (D) Performance are levels of expertise or skills one has to comply with to do a job properly.

  • 13. (B) Customers are more likely to buy into training programmes if they are seen as meeting elt needs.

  • 14. Generally (D) management draws up personal development plans will require.
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