English, asked by leighxx, 4 months ago

1.the topic of this essay is school uniforms. What is the hook in the first paragraph?__________________________________________
2.what is the thesis statement?_______________________________________________
3.in paragraphs 2,3 and 4 each give a reason for requiring school uniforms. These reasons can be found in the topic sentence of each paragraph. What are the reasons?
Paragraph 2_________________________________________
Paragraph 3_________________________________________
4.In paragraph 4 what supporting information does the writer give to show that uniforms make students equal?_________________________________________________________________
5.Which paragraph presents a counterargument that is contrary to or the opposite of the writers opinion? what is the counterargument?____________________________________________________
6. The writer gives a refutation of the counterargument by showing that is invalid what is the writers refutation?__________________________________________________________​
7. Write the sentence from the concluding paragraph that restates the thesis. ________________
8.Reread the concluded paragraph. What is the writer's opinion about the issue. ________________​


Answered by kanikayadava93


this is to bug for me I am sorry I can't do this

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