Science, asked by amanullahbakhshi, 5 hours ago

1. There are both natural and human
sources of carbon dioxide emissions.
Natural sources include
decomposition, ocean release and
respiration. Human sources come
from activities like cement production,
deforestation as well as the burning of
fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural
2. Oil spills may be due to releases of
crude oil from tankers, offshore
platforms, drilling rigs and wells, as
well as spills of refined petroleum
products (such as gasoline, diesel)
and their by-products, heavier fuels
used by large ships such as bunker
fuel, or the spill of any oily refuse or
waste oil
3. As it flows through the soil, acidic rain
water can leach aluminum from soil
clay particles and then flow into
streams and lakes. The more acid that
is introduced to the ecosystem, the
more aluminum is released. Some
types of plants and animals are able
to tolerate acidic waters and


Answered by shivanshika9


what do we have to do ?? is there any question ?

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