English, asked by 72d409c379, 10 months ago

1 There are numerous examples such of the Humpback Whale and the Fin Whale in Emirati waters.


Answered by sahinparveen10


Humpback whales are one of the most-watched and well-studied species of whale. Found in every ocean and many nearshore areas associated with coastal and marine tourism, they are the focus of whale watching operations in over many countries around the world. The species is known for its spectacular “surface active behaviour”, which can include breaching (leaping clear of the water) and flipper and tail slapping, its occasional curiosity around tour boats, and its complex ‘song’, which is heard on the breeding grounds in the tropics. A humpback whale’s blow or the splash of a breach can be seen from a distance of several kilometres, making the humpback one of the more conspicuous targets of whale watching around the world. At close range, the species is unlikely to be confused with any other, due to the distinctive

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