1 This is one of the few animals that can be infected with leprosy germs. Scientists believe that the germs may make it possible to develop a vaccine against the disease. It has a covering like an armor, made up of horn - like skin.? 2 The size of a domesticated at the female of this species has a pouch. It is the only living marsupial in North America and Canada. When attacked, it mimics the appearance and smell of a sick or dead animal ? 3 in 2008, it was declared a threatened species that must be protected. Its numbers are drastically going down because of the decline in Arctic Ocean ice caused by slobal warming? 4 It has long powerful legs that are importe has been known to jump as high as 36 birds in mid air? 5 It is a large extinct sirenian mammal. Within 27 years of discovery by Europeans, this slow moving and easily captured mammal was hunted to extinction?
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hzfkhfl, cnlljsfzfjlfsjlsfjjzfllsurzfjfjsstizgktusllufaljekayDHKKHhdakdk, , . fjstuutsjllstjlljstitspsitsjlggskgkssgjsggksklsjgstljdsfjfsjjfsstiskgdyodgidHOtatapusfjpofsugjsjpstitwiististtsitsidggxyditsipfsuligigsustfsiijsfistsjgsifigslfustauptaupatutaufsfsisfjjfajfausfjsfraufausfjsfjfsjsfjlsjfsjfzsffjsfzjfsjatfsjsjfjtisjgsgsjfuspjsfjsgsitfsifsjsgsistiizfjfslstululsfjisfllitaulultaupafjlufaaulfjfaljfssfsjlfsufjjjgssgjsfsfjxjgfsjlsutullauflsjfsjgsjgsfjstisitsjgsitjfsjlfajljfalsfsfjjsjfsjfsjfjfssjffjsfsjjsfsjfjsfjfsjssjfsjfsgjjsjfsjfjsfjsfsjf
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