English, asked by karanverma5099, 4 months ago

(1) Today robots are employed in homes, factories, offices, battlefields, mines, hospitals and
laboratories to carry out a variety of jobs. Besides working as domestic help, they can lift
weld and stack things, diffuse bombs, carry out military surveillance, explore sea, earth
perform complicated surgeries and analyse data. Lives there an individual who can do son
(2) Movies have often depicted robots as competitors and rivals of human beings and many pe
(4) Read the following passage carefully.
with the efficiency, accuracy and speed of robots?
they will lead to serious unemployment but the fact is that they are not as intelligent and
as human beings.
(3) As robots are increasingly becoming more and more like human beings, many expen
robots may one day be given the same rights as humans. Sounds incredible, doesn't
official report has claimed that by the year 2056, robot rights may become a reality.
(4) Henrik Christensen, director of the Centre of Robotics and Intelligent Machines att
Institute of Technology said: "If we make conscious robots, they would want to have righ
probably should." Robots and machines are now classed as inanimate objects witho
duties but if artificial intelligence becomes ubiquitous, the report argues there may
human rights to be extended to them.​


Answered by vanshika2jiya


which class and which chapter .......I'll explain

Answered by jatinderpnb1


take chuti**a was not able to understand

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