English, asked by mariamaia271, 11 months ago

1. Turn from active into passive
-You should water this plant daily.
-Our neighbor ought to paint the garage.
-I have to return these books to the library.
-You must extinguish your cigarettes.
-You must dry-clean this shirt.
-Someone will pay you in ten days.
-You can improve your health with more exercise.
-People must obey the law.
-The cleaner is going to mop the kitchen floor.

2. Turn from active into passive
-Somone is helping her with the hosework
-A pickpocket robbed me
-The mail-order company sent Mrs. Green a parcel
-A dog is chasing the child
-My friend sent me an invitation
-The farmer is building a new barn
-The secretary has given Mrs. Jones some letters
-The traffic warden had already given him a ticket for illegal parking.
-Someone had broken our door down
-Theu chose him as the best actor of the year


Answered by dhawankritika83

1 a) This plant should be watered by me daily .

c) These books should be returned by me in the library.

Answered by sandeep3307


i)this plant should be watered by you daily

ii)the garage is oughted to paint by our neighbour

iii)*soory don't know the answer*

iv)your ciaggrettes must be extinguished by you

v)this shirt must be dry-cleaned by you

vi)in ten days you will be payed by someone

vii)with more exercise your health could be improved by you

viii)the law must be obeyed by people

ix)the kitchen floor is being gone to mop by the cleaner


i)with the housework she is being helped by someone

ii)i was robbed by a pickpocket

iii)a parcel was sent by the mail order company to Mrs Green

iv)the child is being chased by the dog

v)an invitation was sent by my friend to me

vi)the new barn is being built by the farmer

vii)some letter have been guven by the secretar to Mrs. Jones

viii)for illegal parking ticket had already been given by the traffic warden tj him

ix)our door had been broken down by someone

x)he has been choose as the best actor of the year(not sure about the answer)

hope it will help❤❤❤

please mark my as brainliest

sandeep3307: please mark my as brainliest
sandeep3307: i hanve given you the full answer
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