Hindi, asked by clamnunnem, 11 hours ago

1.“वो बबजली थी या आफ़त” यह वाक्य ककसने ककससे कहा है?

2. खंभा बीमाि क् यों नहीं पड़ता है?

3. लोग, ककसको लाल ताऊ कहकि पुकारते थे?

4. लाल ताऊ (लैटिबाक्स) की दो खूबबयााँबताएं।

5. ल्रैटिबाक्स को अपना काम अच्छा क्यों नहीं लगता था?

6. पेड़ को बिसात से कोई फकक क् यों नहीं पड़ता?

7. लड़की के घि नहीं पहु पहुँच पाने का कािण क्या था?

8. सभी ने लैटिबबाक्स को लाल ताऊ क् यों कहा?

Please answer any questions you know, please don't anwer the 'wrong answer'... and please don't try to earn points without answering correctly!​


Answered by singhdevendra5119






Mechanical Engineering



By The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica • Edit History


2-Min Summary

missile, a rocket-propelled weapon designed to deliver an explosive warhead with great accuracy at high speed. Missiles vary from small tactical weapons that are effective out to only a few hundred feet to much larger strategic weapons that have ranges of several thousand miles. Almost all missiles contain some form of guidance and control mechanism and are therefore often referred to as guided missiles. An unguided military missile, as well as any launch vehicle used to sound the upper atmosphere or place a satellite in space, is usually referred to as a rocket. A propeller-driven underwater missile is called a torpedo, and a guided missile powered along a low, level flight path by an air-breathing jet engine is called a cruise missile.

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