1. वह सच बोलती है। 2. वे मेहनत करते हैं। 3. हम आजकल चाय नहीं पीते हैं। 4. क्या तुम सेब
खाते हो ? 5. कविता रोज मंदिर नहीं जाती। 6. वह यहाँ क्यों नहीं आती है ? 7. बच्चे धूप में खेलते हैं।
8. तुम कहाँ रहती हो ? 9. रीता घर पर क्या करती है ? 10. वे पानी क्यों नहीं पीते ? 11. बच्चे मैदान
में खेलते हैं। 12. हम रोज एक मील पैदल चलते हैं। 13. शिकारी मासूम पक्षियों को क्यों मारते हैं?
14. क्या तुम्हें दाल-चावल पसन्द है? 15. इस कॉलिज में कितने अध्यापक पढ़ाते हैं ? 16. रीता सोमवार का व्रत रखती है।
| Difficult Words: सच बोलना-to speak the truth, मेहनत करना-to work hard, आजकल-
| nowadays, धूप में-in the sun, पदल-on foot, मासूम-innocent, चावल-rice.
Present indefinite tense .
Please help friend one follower and 1 like
1. she always speak truth
2.he does a lot of hard work
3. nowadays we usually don't drink tea
4. do you all eat ?
5. Kavita don't go to Temple every day
6. why doesn't she come
7. children play in the sunshine
8. where do you live
9. what Rita do at home
10. why don't they drink water
11. children play in park
12. we usually go a distance on foot
13. why do hunters catch innocent animal
14. do you eat dal and rice
15. how many lecturer or teacher teach in this college
16.rita fasts on Monday
mark me as the brainliest
1. She speaks.
2. They work hard.
3. Nowdays we don't drink tea.
4. Do you eat apple ?
5. Kavita doesnot go to temple everyday.
6. Why doesn't she come here?
7. Children play in sunlight.
8. Where do you live ?
9. What does Rita do in home?
10. Why don't they drink water.
11. Children play in playground.
12. We walk one mile daily.
13. Why does the hunter kill innocent birds.
14. Do you like rice & pulses ?
15. How many teachers teach in this school?
16. Rita does monday fast..