Accountancy, asked by laxmibalappatotagi10, 8 months ago

1 Vishwas, Vismay ep Vikas are partner share
sharing profit and losses
of 2:28. Their. Balance shoot as on 31-3-2014
13 alance shoot as on
As on s.3.2014
Loan from Vismay
Cash at Bank₹20, 100
Debtors ₹7,000
stock ₹40, 000
Furniture ₹1,000
Machinery ₹10, 000
Buildings ₹20, 000 credit side Loan from Vismay ₹6,000 creditors ₹4, 100 Reserve fund ₹10, 000 capitals: Vishwas ₹40,000 Vismay ₹20,000 Vikas ₹18, 000 Total 98,100 both side
a) The assets realised as follows: Debtors ₹6, 000 , Stock ₹42, 000 , Machinery ₹9, 000
Buildings ₹16, 000, Furniture ₹750
b) creditors are paid in full. c) Dissolution experience amounted to ₹1, 000.​


Answered by kirankumarisharma197


this was very long try I have sorry I can't help you

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