Biology, asked by trivendra644, 10 months ago

1. W
List plant hormones
3. Why is absc
4. Why are endoc
5. TSH perform
6. State the significace of vasopressin
7. What is the i
8. Name the ho
9. Which horn
10. Briefly discu
11. Which horm
12. List sex horn
13. Briefly explo
14. Give one exar
15. Name any two
16. What is phyto
17. Name the ho
18. list the fund
19. Write names
20. Nervous and
human beings
21. The stimuli ar
of the table are
lines, connected
different colour fo
abscisic acid called stress hormone ?
vre endocrine glands called ductless glands?
erforms the function of
the significance of vasopressin.
at is the importance of iodised salt ?
the hormones secreted by thyroid gland.
h hormone is secreted during allergy ?
iv discuss the functions of adrenal gland.
h hormone is released by thymus gland?
ex hormones and state their functions.
fly explain diabetes mellitus.
One example of positive feedback mechanism.
ne any two types of tropism.
is phytohormone ? Name any two phytohormones.
a the hormones secreted by thyroid, parathyroid and pancreas glands.
he functions of testosterone and estrogen.
names of three hormones secreted from pituitary gland.
is and hormonal system together perform the function of control and coordination in
in beings. Justify the statement.
muli are given in the bottom row, the responses in the top row. In the middle rows
able are the “chain of events” that lead to a particular response. Using connecting
onnect each stimulus to the chain of events and finally to the response. You may use a
nt colour for each event. One example has been done for you.
Rady ready to deal
Leaves droop
Plant appears to
Hand is moved​


Answered by AloneWalkerr
Cardiac muscle (heart muscle) is one of the three main types of muscle in vertebrates. It is involuntary: a person cannot control it consciously. Also, it is a striped muscle in the walls of the heart. It makes up the tissue called the myocardium.
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