1. Weathering is a static process as
a. The products of weathering remain where they are formed
b. It is followed by the process of erosion
c. The products are transported
d. As it involves motion
2. minimum average insolation is received along the
a. the temperate zone
b. the polar zone
c. the higher latitudes
d. the tropical or equatorial zone
3. Shimla, a hill station in India has a lower temperature
a. it is located above the mean sea level
b. As it is located in a higher altitude
c. As it is away from equator
d. As it is located in a cool region
4. Which of the following factors does not largely affect the temperature of a place?
a. Latitude
b. Altitude
c. Sand storms
d. Slope of the land
5. The tropical zone of the earth receives the maximum insolation due to the
a. Inclined rays of the sun
b. Vertical rays of the sun
c. Proximity to the sun
d. None of the above
Answered by
1 latitude
2the polar zone
3 it is located above the mean sea level
Answered by
पहला आंग्ल-मराठा युद्ध (1775-1782) भारत में ब्रिटिश ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी और मराठा साम्राज्य के बीच लड़े गये तीन आंग्ल-मराठा युद्धों में से पहला था। युद्ध सूरत संधि के साथ शुरू हुआ और साल्बाई की संधि के साथ समाप्त हुआ।
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