1. What do these suggest in the poem?
a. the forest's ferny floor
b. the bird
c. the turret
2. What signs of life are depicted in the poem?
3. Who do you think the listeners are? Why are they phantom-like?
ans. 1...a) this suggest that nobody has been to the forest for a long time. it is green and over grown.
ans. 1...b) the bird evidently has a nest in the turret and is startled by the travelers cry after being used to silence.
ans. 1...c) the turret suggest that this mysterious house is a huge impressive one.
Ans. 2...the bird is a sign of life and of course the traveller and his grass eating horse. The stillness, too, seems to be alive. somehow the traveller fells it 'answering his cry'. the word he speaks echoes through the shadowiness of the still house.
Ans. 3.They seem to be people who once lived in a house and are now dead. They remained in their former house as shadowy mysterious figure..
**I think you also need reference to context**