1) What does the above cartoon tell us?
Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________
2) Why do you think that people’s management essential?
Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________
3) How will you contribute in regeneration of environment?
Answer: _________________________________

they are together and working goverment
1) the community is like a rail and the railtrake is destroyed by the government but it is not the meaning
the tree is growing taller but we cut trees for us we don't know that when we cut the trees what happened the seed of the tree start growing by own it us the process but we make cement roads
that not let the plants to grow
2) people management is essential because the people has lot of wishes and it is done by the government and other reason is the person who is rich he never want to live sad and he accept all the wishes from his family and they cut trees because the space is not left because of home or any thing and the birds are making nest honey comb is there for other reasons
3) the things will be changed today or tomorrow but a tree take several months to grow but we cut them but if we want to cut trees why we should not plant the trees