1.What does the poet by" each horizon has its claim" in " Shooting the Sun" by Amy Lowell ?
2. How does the speaker feel at different points in the " Shooting the Sun" by Amy Lowell ? Explain your answer. referring to specific lines.
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Secondary School English 15 points
1.What does the poet by" each horizon has its claim" in " Shooting the Sun" by Amy Lowell ?
2. How does the speaker feel at different points in the " Shooting the Sun" by Amy Lowell ? Explain your answer. referring to specific lines.
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" Shooting the Sun" by Amy Lowell
1. " Shooting the Sun" is a short poem by Amy Lowell that reflects the wanderlust spirit of the poet,
Written in the first person, the poet expresses her desire to travel all over the world. To emphasise her wish she asserts through the line, ' Each horizon has its claim' that the four main directions of the world-North South, East and West all stand in contrast to each other, yet all four are equally attractive. They all have their indviidual charms and attractions. This she expresses through the word 'claim'.
2. The speaker- the poet- Amy Lowell feels different levels of excitement at different points .
On Monday, when she is fresh and excited, as it is the beginning of the week she prefers to travel to the East. She thus asserts, 'Monday morning shows the East
Satisfying as the feast.'
On Tuesday she rather spent a quiet time at her very own West.
'Tuesday alone holds benefit'.
Sometime later in the week she would like to travel to the North- ' North that I would hurry to'
Finally for her mind's contentment she would travel to the South - 'To the South content of mind'.
Learn more on " Shooting the Sun" by Amy Lowell :
What is the meaning of " Shooting the Sun" by Amy Lowell please ...
" Shooting the Sun" by Amy Lowell