History, asked by emmyhorak, 1 year ago

1. What does Uther Pendragon agree to give Merlin in return for the sorcerer’s help in getting Uther married to Lady Igraine?
2. Why does Merlin make the deal with Uther Pendragon?
3. What happens to Britain after Uther’s death?


Answered by diksha254134

During his reign as King of all England, Uther Pendragon became embroiled in a long battle against the Duke of Tintagil(also called the Duke of Cornwall). It began when Uther one day sent for the Duke and his wife, the beautiful Igraine, to join him at his court. Uther welcomed them, but soon fell in love with Igraine and openly lusted after her. Igraine, loyal to her husband, begged him to escape with her in the middle of the night so that she would not be dishonored. They did so, but at the advice of his Barons, Uther sent a charge of men to summon them back to court. They refused. Uther, ever wrathful, told the Duke to prepare for war.

When the Duke of Tintagil received Uther's message, he sent Igraine to castle Tintagil, while he left for castle Terrabil. Uther soon arrived with a vast army to lay siege to Terrabil. There were many casualties on both sides, and then Uther fell ill. When Sir Ulfius ascertained that Uther was sick from love, he left the king to find the sorcerer Merlin, who he believed could cure Uther. After some adventure, Sir Ulfius found Merlin, who was dressed as a beggar. Sir Ulfius told Merlin of Uther’s plight, and Merlin agreed to help the king

Uther Pendragon dies, leaving his kingdom in chaos. His son, Arthur, succeeds him as High King, after pulling an enchanted sword from a stone. Aided by the sorcerer Merlin, Arthur rises to power but is challenged by the lesser kings of Britain for the throne.

When the Duke of Tintagil received Uther's message, he sent Igraine to castle Tintagil, while he left for castle Terrabil. Uther soon arrived with a vast army to lay siege to Terrabil. There were many casualties on both sides, and then Uther fell ill. When Sir Ulfius ascertained that Uther was sick from love, he left the king to find the sorcerer Merlin, who he believed could cure Uther. After some adventure, Sir Ulfius found Merlin, who was dressed as a beggar. Sir Ulfius told Merlin of Uther’s plight, and Merlin agreed to help the king.

Uther welcomed Merlin, who told the King that he knew of his lust for Igraine. He predicted that Uther would not only lay with Igraine but also conceive a child with her. In exchange for his help in facilitating this union, Merlin asked that the child be left to his care.

Uther agreed, and Merlin devised a clever plan to disguise the king as Igraine’s husband, the Duke of Tintagil. Merlin told Uther not to speak to Igraine, but rather to claim he was ill and to go straight to bed.

The Barons of England knew of Uther’s love for Igraine, and so they worked with Sir Ulfius to arrange a marriage between her and the king. The wedding was celebrated with great fanfare, and Igraine was made queen.

Uther then requested that Igraine’s daughters be married to men of his choosing. King Lot (of Lothian and of Orkney) wed Margawse, who would later give birth to Sir Gawaine, Sir Gaheris, Sir Agravaine, and Sir Gareth. King Nentres of Garlot married Elaine. The third sister, Morgan le Fay, was sent to a nunnery, where she learned necromancy. She eventually married King Uriens of Gore, and later gave birth to Sir Uwaine.

Shortly before Arthur's birth, Merlin arrived and reminded Uther of his promise to give him the child. When Uther agreed, Merlin asked that the child instead be given to Sir Ector, who was lord of many lands in England and Wales, and who was very loyal to Uther. Merlin believed Sir Ector would raise the child as if his own. Uther sent for Sir Ector, who was given many gifts when he agreed to the arrangement. Upon the baby's birth, Sir Ector had the boy christened and named Arthur.

Two years passed, and Uther grew ill. His enemies from the North made war against him, planning to usurp his throne. A great battled raged, during which many of Uther’ s men were killed. At St. Albans, Uther directly confronted the enemy armies, killing many and sending the rest into a retreat.

He then returned to London to celebrate his victory, but he quickly fell ill again. On the day of his death, Merlin and all of the barons gathered. Merlin asked Uther if Arthur, his son, should become King of all England after his death. Within the hearing of the gathered barons, Uther insisted that Arthur had his blessing and should claim the crown for his own. He then died.

After Uther’s death, the kingdom's peace fell into jeopardy, as many great lords made claims for the crown. Merlin advised the Archbishop of Canterbury to call them together to a great church in London for Christmas. They obeyed the call, and after hearing mass, were led into the churchyard where sat a large stone against the high altar. On the stone stood an anvil of steel, into which a sword was submerged so that only part of its length and handle were visible. On this sword, written in gold, were letters that said: "Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil, is rightwise king born of all England."

Hope it helps you


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