Physics, asked by atharv2703123, 10 months ago

1. What happens when 2 photos collide with each other?
2. Does this happen when light from 2 torches of same brand are made to fall on each other or light from 2 luminous object collide with each other, for Example 2 candle kept near each other?
3. If yes then why is there no reaction or indications of reaction shown when we flash 2 torches towards each other?


Answered by ruby3965


sorry nahi pataaaaaaaaaaa sorry nahi pataaaaaaaaaaa sorry nahi pataaaaaaaaaaa

Answered by surendardun30


When two particles collide with each other then new particles are created during that collision.

the new particles may be unknown to us

the properties of the new particles are different

When new particles are created then the existing data is not destroyed and the existing data persists even after collision

The new particles created may have new properties.

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Light can be taken into consideration both as wave form and pa. rticle form.

In particle form it is uncertain.

In wave form it can be seen as follows:

If crest of two waves collide (which can be said meet actually) it forms a very new constructive wave

but if a crest and trough collide both the waves get destroyed resulting in destruction of both particles.

A particle is required to have mass in order to be disintegrated into smaller particles. Photons however don't possess any mass. Hence if two light particles (photons) collide, they won't be disintegrated further.

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