1. What has four legs, but can’t walk?
2.Why can’t Eskimos eat the penguin egg?
3.Why did the woman take an elephant instead of a car?
4.How do you make the number one disappear?
5.What is black and white that gets read over?
6.Why don’t horses wear gloves?
7.How many times can you take away 2 from 100?
8.What did the mouse say to the cheese?
9.Which was the tallest Mountain before Mt. Everest was discovered?
10.What begins with an ‘e’ ends with an ‘e’ and only has one letter?
Answered by
1.A table.
2.Because they live on the opposite side of the world!
3.Due to its bigger trunk.
4.Add the letter G, and it’s “gone.”
5.Newspapers – you read it all over.
6.They have no hands.
7.Once. After taking the first two, you no longer have a 100.
9.Mt. Everest still existed, it just had not been discovered.
10.An envelope.
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idk the others
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