Physics, asked by Anonymous, 11 months ago

1. What is orthogonal unit vector?

Please give fast answers and give in a standard of class 8.​​


Answered by ChromaticSoul


A vector is a quantity which has both magnitudes, as well as direction. A vector which has a magnitude of 1 is a unit vector. It is also known as Direction Vector.

For example, vector v = (1,3) is not a unit vector, because its magnitude is not equal to 1, i.e., |v| = √(12+32) ≠ 1. Any vector can become a unit vector by dividing it by the magnitude of the given vector.

<Marquee scrollamount =500></marqee><marqee scrollamount=500></marqee>Hope it's helpful for you

Answered by rmlatha74


it is discribed under three dimensional coordinates system along x,y,z....and denoted as i, j, k resp. it is originated from vector p

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