1 What is secullar stat? Explain factors which make india a secullar state?
2 State how caste inequality are still continue in india?
3 Caste system cannot be separated from politics .Justify the statements?
Please help me guys
answer 1 - Secularism in india means respect and tolerance towards all religions. You are allowed to do all the practices that are related to your religion in a secular statewithout any interference of other people or states. A secular country accepts and respects all religions and all religious views.
answer 2 - Caste inequalities have not completely disappeared from India. Even today, most people marry within their own caste or tribe. Despite constitutional prohibition, Untouchability has not ended completely. Education is not easily available to the so called 'low castes'
answer 3- Caste system and politics in Indiacannot be separated." Justify. ... Castealso plays an important role when candidates are nominated by politicalparties for a particular constituency. Voters even though illiterate tend to vote for people belonging to their caste, in the hope that they will uphold their casteinterest.