1. What is the most valuable thing
in the world?
2. Which kind of students do you
3. What is the duty of man?
4. Why is the time called the most
priceless thing?
Yacht History Supreme, 4.5 billion USD. The Yacht is plated with 100,000 kg of gold and platinum, and has other extravagances like statues made of a T-Rex's bone and wine glasses made out of an 18-carat diamond.
1. The most valuable thing on Earth is the biosphere
2. The biggest regret of college graduates is not getting enough work experience in their field of studies.
3. Man has certain important duties and responsibilities in life. He has to evolve morally and spiritually by performing these duties in the right manner. He has to act and live according to the law of God. He has to find out the rules of conduct and the measure of his responsibilities.
4. Time is Precious Because it is Very Short Those resources which are a plentiful drop in price, while those which are scarce are deemed more valuable. So, it is with the scarcest commodity of all, time.