Biology, asked by shaliniviib, 11 hours ago

1. What is the role of following in digestion?

ajTrypsin, b) HCL C)Bile D) Intestinal Juice

2. Name the type of respiration in which the end products are

A) Ethyl Alcohol (B) CO, and H₂O (C) Lactic Acid

Give one example of each case where such respiration can occur.

3.Name the substances present in gastric juice. Explain their function.

4. Why does raw bread taste sweet after chewing in the mouth?

5.Where is bile secreted from? What is its function?

6. Give one word for

(A) getting rid of undigested waste from body (B) movement of food molecules

into blood

7. Where do you find stomata and lenticels.

9. Food moves down the gut by peristaltic movement. Which part of the brain controls this movement?

10. Which of the four chambers in the human heart have thickest muscular walls?

11.Why it is not advisable to give excess water to water plants?

12. Which of the organs performs the following functions in humans?

(a) Absorption of food (b) Absorption of water

13. Write one feature which is common to each of the following

(A) Glycogen and Starch (8) Chlorophyll and hemoglobin

14. Why does not the lungs collapse after forceful expiration?

15. A particular tissue blocked and the leaves start to wilt. Identify the tissue that got blocked.

16. How would the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates be effected if there

was a blockade in the bile duct?

17 Which fluid in the human body wets the internal organs?

18. In which direction lymph travels?

19. How does a plant cope up with lack of water in desert conditions?

20. What do you understand by pulse?

21. Is the food vacuole in Amoeba temporary structure or permanent structure?

22.Why is carbon diode carried in dissold form in the blood than oxygen?

23. Differentiate between Diastole and Systole.​


Answered by bhagyashree234

  • The role of :
  • The role of :1. Trypsin - The role of trypsin is to digest protein and this enzyme is secreted by the pancreas
  • The role of :1. Trypsin - The role of trypsin is to digest protein and this enzyme is secreted by the pancreas 2. HCl - HCl is a type of gastric juice that is secreted by gastric glands present in the stomach. HCl is present in the walls of the stomach which helps i to kill a foreign substance that entered into the stomach with food. It also facilitates the action of pepsin
  • The role of :1. Trypsin - The role of trypsin is to digest protein and this enzyme is secreted by the pancreas 2. HCl - HCl is a type of gastric juice that is secreted by gastric glands present in the stomach. HCl is present in the walls of the stomach which helps i to kill a foreign substance that entered into the stomach with food. It also facilitates the action of pepsin3. Bile Juice - Bile juice is secreted by the liver. The bile salt breaks down the large fat globules into smaller fat globules that helps to facilitate the action of enzymes.
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