English, asked by pranti43, 3 months ago

1. what is your favourite animal ?
answer: My favourite animal is cat.

2. what colour is it ?

ans : it is generally brown white and black in colour.

3. what size is it ?
answer : it is small size.

4. Describe one body part of the animal.
ans : the cat has some whiskers.

please check the ans.. and told me is the ans is correct oor incorrect.please check the ans carefully.

Don't give wrong ans.. because it is a online exam things.if it's wrong then my marks got cut out.please give ans kindly,carefully.it is my request. ​


Answered by raveenchanam


My favourite animal is the cat.

It is generally brown, white or black in colour.

It is small now.

The cat has short whiskers.

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