Biology, asked by 3365agn, 7 months ago

1)what r tissues? 2)what r the types of tissue? explain in detail? 3)what r meristematic tissues and there types ?explain? 4)difference between plant and animal tissue? minimum 5 points? 5)what r permanent tissues and there types? explain?


Answered by madavinikesh2020


1. similar types of cell group together to perform a specific functions,this groups are known as tissues.

2. there are different types of tissues in plants and animals

plants - Meristematic tissue and Permanent tissue

animals - Connective, epithelial,mascular, nervous


as the name suggests,it helps in the connection

they are of different types based on the function they do.

they are adipose tissue, areolar tissue,blood, tendons, ligaments,bones, cartilage.


they cover and protect the skin and the body.they also serve as covering of inner lining of mouth,kidney tubes, intestine..

they are of three types - squamous epithelium,columnar epithelium, cuboidal some instances cells in columnar epithelium folds inwards and form the glandular epithelium.


they help in movements,they are of three types - smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle.

skeletal muscle are voluntary and helps in movements of our hand and legs whereas smooth and cardiac muscle are involuntary and help in movements in oesophagus and heart respectively.


when we touch something or sense something,signals are created which are transmitted to brain and they help in transmit of this signals which respond stimuli,sense that we experience in everyday life with the help of neurons which are the smallest unit of this tissue.this tissue are found in the brain,spinal contains axon,dentrites,cell body.axon helps in transmit of signals known as electrical impulses.

3. Meristematic tissue are the tissue which helps in growth in plants..

they are of three types-

apical meristem, lateral meristem, intercalary meristem

4. * in plants,many cells in tissues are dead as compared to animals.

* there are two types of plant tissue whereas there are four types of tissues in animals.

*number of tissues in animals are more active and available in many types as compared to plants to carry out f

different functions.

*cells in plant tissue contain cell wall while cells in animal tissues do not contain cell wall.

5. Permanent tissue are the tissue in which cells from meristematic tissue differentiate and help to carry out different functions.

they are of two types - simple permanent and complex permanent

*simple permanent tissue are of three types..

parenchyma, collenchyma and schlerenchyma

*complex permanent tissue are of two types

xylem and phloem which transport water and food respectively.


Answered by meenuhari1402
  1. In biology, tissue is a cellular organizational level between cells and a complete organ. A tissue is an ensemble of similar cells and their extracellular matrix from the same origin that together carry out a specific function. Organs are then formed by the functional grouping together of multiple tissues.

2.Types of Animal Tissues


Connective tissue connects or separates groups of other tissues. It is found in between all the other tissues and organs in the body. Connective tissue is made up of cells and ground substance, which is a gel that surrounds cells. Most connective tissue, except for lymph and blood, also contains fibers, which are long, narrow proteins. Fibers can be collagenous, which bind bones to tissues; elastic, which allow organs like the lungs to move; or reticular, which provide physical support to cells. Connective tissue also allows oxygen to diffuse from blood vessels into cells.


Muscle tissue comprises all the muscles in the body, and the specialized nature of the tissue is what allows muscles to contract. There are three types of muscle tissue: skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle. Skeletal muscle anchors tendons to bones and allows the body to move. Cardiac muscle is found in the heart and contracts to pump blood. Smooth muscle is found in the intestines, where it helps move food through the digestive tract, and it is also found in other organs like blood vessels, the uterus, and the bladder. Skeletal and cardiac muscles are striated; this means that they contain sarcomeres (a unit of muscle tissue) that are arranged in a uniform pattern. Smooth muscle does not have sarcomeres.


Nervous tissue is found in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves, which are all parts of the nervous system. It is made up of neurons, which are nerve cells, and neuroglia, which are cells that help nerve impulses travel. Nervous tissue is grouped into four types: gray matter and white matter in the brain, and nerves and ganglia in the peripheral nervous system. The main difference between gray and white matter is that axons of the neurons in gray matter are unmyelinated, while white matter is myelinated. Myelin is a white, fatty substance that insulates neurons and is crucial for nervous system functioning.


Epithelial tissue, or epithelium, covers the surfaces of organs including the skin, the trachea, the reproductive tract, and the digestive tract’s inner lining. It creates a barrier that helps protect organs, and it also has roles in absorbing water and nutrients, getting rid of waste, and secreting enzymes or hormones. All of the body’s glands are formed from ingrowths of epithelium. Some common epithelial tissue diseases are skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis, which both cause rashes. When cancer develops from epithelial tissue, it is called a carcinoma. Epithelial cells in the airways are also responsible for asthma, which is characterized by inflammation of the airways that leads to shortness of breath.

3.Meristematic tissues, or simply meristems, are tissues in which the cells remain forever young and divide actively throughout the life of the plant.

Apical meristems

These are located at opposite ends of the plant axis in the tips of roots and shoots. Cell divisions and subsequent cellular enlargement in these areas lengthen the above and below ground parts of the plant. The meristems also influence the shapes of the mature plants since the patterns for subsequent growth are laid down in the meristems.

Lateral meristems

Vascular cambium. Some plants grow in diameter by producing new tissues laterally from a cylinder of tissue called the vascular cambium, which extends throughout the length of the plant from the tips of the shoots to the tips of the roots. It is present in allperennial and in some annual plants. Tissues produced by cell divisions of the vascular cambium are secondary tissues.

4.Cells of plant tissue have cell wall. Cells of animal tissue do not have cell wall. ... They are of four types muscle tissue, epithelial tissue, nervous tissue and connective tissue. These tissues require less energy and maintenance as plants do not require movement.

5. Permanent tissues are made of meristematic cells, that has definite form and shape and have lost the power to divide and differentiate and are of three types- simple, complex and special. The simple tissues are parenchyma, sclerenchyma and collenchyma. Chlorenchyma is a parenchyma, having chloroplast.

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