English, asked by nikhilkoundal979, 10 months ago

1) What was Douglas's first misadventure with water?"
ii) What was the basic tale or plot of stories told by Jack​


Answered by ƁƦƛƖƝԼƳƜƛƦƦƖƠƦ

1) What was Douglas's first misadventure with water?"

Douglas was frightened when he was thrown into the pool. However, he was not frightened out of his wits. While sinking down he made a plan. He would make a big jump when his feet hit the bottom. He would come to the surface like a cork, lie flat on it, and paddle to the edge of the pool.


ii) What was the basic tale or plot of stories told by Jack

The basic plot of each story told by Jack was about a small creature, usually named Roger who had some problem and went with it to the wise old owl. The owl would tell him to go to the wizard and the wizard performed a magic spell that solved the problem and then demanded payment in pennies.


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