Social Sciences, asked by Armaan3495, 1 month ago

1. Where is Greenland located?
2. What are icebergs?
3. State the features of polar climate.
4. Describe a harpoon and its use.
5. Describe the kind of clothes Eskimos wear.
6. Explain how the houses of Eskimos are made.How are they useful?​


Answered by gangadevi2605


1.North America

2.Icebergs are commonly found near Antarctica and in the North Atlantic Ocean near Greenland.

3.Characteristics of polar areas include: Climate - long cold winters, with annual temperatures mostly below freezing. Polar areas are often windy, with very little precipitation. Permanent ice caps cover polar landscapes.

4.a barbed missile

Uses : used to kill whales, tuna, swordfish, and other large sea creatures

5.Eskimo clothing was fashioned of caribou furs, which provided protection against the extreme cold.

6.Most Eskimo wintered in either snow-block houses called igloos or semisubterranean houses built of stone or sod over wooden or whalebone frameworks.

Useful because Smaller igloos are typically used by Inuit for fishing and hunting trips, as we've discussed. The larger, more permanent structures were created to form villages for longer-term, although still temporary, needs.



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