Science, asked by kumaripayal40724, 3 months ago

1. Where is the bile stored? What is the function of bile?

2. Why do insectivorous plant eat insects?

3. Differentiate between acid and bases.

4. What are the conditions that must be fulfilled for conduction to take place?

5. How do earthworms help farmers?

6. Write down the properties of bases.

please answer all the questions please​


Answered by sahoorudramadhab2007

1. Gallbladder

Bile is a fluid that is made and released by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Bile helps with digestion. It breaks down fats into fatty acids, which can be taken into the body by the digestive tract.

2. About the Insectivorous Plant .

Insectivorous plants mainly grow in humid ildernesses and bogs where plenty of sunlight and moisture can be found. However, since nutrients are scarce in the soil, they capture insects to supplement the nutrients that they tend to lack .

3. A substance, mostly liquid that donates a proton or accepts an electron pair in reactions. An acid increases the concentration of H+ ions. A base is a substance that releases hydroxide (OH-) ions in aqueous solution, donates electrons and accepts protons .

4. The condition required for conduction of heat is the temperature difference between the ends of material (rod or any other form). Also, for conduction between two bodies, the bodies need to be in contact, along with having a temperature difference of course .

5. By their activity in the soil, earthworms offer many benefits: increased nutrient availability, better drainage, an

d a more stable soil structure, all of which help improve farm productivity. Worms feed on plant debris (dead roots, leaves, grasses, manure) and soil. ... Nitrogen in the casts is readily available to plants .

6. Chemical Properties of Base

change the colour of litmus from red to blue.They are bitter in taste.Bases lose their basicity when mixed with acids.Bases react with acids to form salt and water. ...They can conduct electricity.Bases feel slippery or soapy.Some bases are great conductors of electricity .


Answered by akshaya726


1.bile is stored in gall bladder.

bile function: emulsification of fat. overcome nitrogen defeciency

3.An acid is defined as a substance whose water solution tastes sour, turns blue litmus red and neutralizes bases. A substance is called base if its aqueous solution tastes bitter, turns red litmus blue or neutralizes acids. Salt is a neutral substance whose aqueous solution does not affect litmus. between the surfaces.

5.aeration of soil

6.Chemical Properties of Bases

Bases change the colour of litmus from red to blue.

They are bitter in taste.

Bases lose their basicity when mixed with acids.

Bases react with acids to form salt and water. ...

They can conduct electricity.

Bases feel slippery or soapy.

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