English, asked by pdhengula566, 5 months ago

1. Which class of vertebrates is more advanced, Aves, or Amphibia? Justify your answer.​


Answered by rekhachaplot8


Vertebrates are classified further into sub-groups on the basis of simple to complex forms of structures and their functions. Examples. Pisces, amphibia, reptilia, aves and mammals.

1. Pisces: They are aquatic, cold blooded animals. Their heart has two chambers. Their body is covered by scales or plates. They lay eggs and perform respiration through gills. Their endoskeleton is made up of cartilage. e.g. Fishes.

2. Amphibians: They are cold blooded animals and live in both water and land. Respiration is through gills, lungs, skin. They have three chambered heart. e.g. Frogs.

3. Reptiles: They are cold blooded animals. They have three chambered heart and they breathe through lungs. e.g. Snakes.

4. Aves: They are warm blooded animal, oviparous vertebrates covered with feathers. They have a four chambered heart and perform respiration by lungs. e.g. Birds.

5. Mammals: They are warm blooded animal with four chambered heart. They are viviparous and possess characteristics like pinna and hair on skin and canine. e.g. Humans.

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