English, asked by hussainpro841, 5 months ago

1. Which of the following garbage rot? fill in the blanks​


Answered by mohdrehmanzaki


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Science - Grade 6 (Chapter 11-16)

Chapter 16 - Garbage in, Garbage out - 1

Science - Class 6 / Grade 6 (Chapter 11 - 16)

Chapter 16 - Garbage in, Garbage out - 1

Chapter 16 - Garbage in, Garbage out - 1

Garbage in, Garbage out - QuestionsPage

Garbage in, Garbage out

Q1. Fill in the blanks.

i. Safai karamcharis take the garbage from the bins.

ii. Biodegradable wastes could be converted into useful compost.

iii. Drains get choked due to plastic thrown by us.

iv. Redworms do not survive in very hot or very cold surroundings.

Q2. True/False

i. The packaging material of flour, biscuits and milk go out as garbage. True

ii. We generate so much garbage in our day-to-day activities. True

iii. Garbage contains only non-useful components. False

iv. Polythene bags are useful components of garbage. False

v. Garbage heaps of dried leaves should not be burnt. True

Q3. Can paper be recycled?

Ans. Yes.

Q4. Which living organism is used for making compost?

Ans. Earthworm called redworm is used for composting.

Q5. What is redworm?

Ans. A type of earthworm called redworm is used for composting.

Q6. What organism other than earthworm is involved in composting?

Ans. Microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi etc. is involved in composting.

Q7. Suggest some packaging material which can be recycled or reuse.

Ans. Glass bottles, recycling polythene and jute bags

Q8. What is papier-mâchè?

Ans. Papier-mâchè is a paste made of clay and waste paper used for moulding box, trays, basket etc.

Q9. List a few things we use that are made of plastics?

Ans. Toys, shoes, bags, pens, combs, tooth brushes, buckets, bottles, water pipes etc.

Q10. What are the uses of green colored bins?

Ans. The green bins are for collecting kitchen and other plant or animal wastes.

Q11. When rotting of garbage is said to be completed?

Ans. A black color and no foul smell indicate that rotting of garbage is complete.

Q12. For what purpose blue colored bins are used?

Ans. The blue bins are used for materials that can be used again — such as plastics, metals and glass.

Q13. What is composting?

Ans. The rotting and conversion of some materials into manure is called ‘composting’.

Q14. What is a landfill?

Ans. Landfill is an area where the garbage collected from a city or town is dumped. The area is later converted into a park.

Q15. Why banana leaf platter is a better option than plastic plate?

Ans. Banana leaf platter is a better option than plastic plate because it is cost effective and eco-friendly.

Q16. What kind of waste materials rots completely when buried in the soil?

Ans. Waste materials such as kitchen, plants and animals waste rots completely when buried in the soil.

Q17. What kitchen waste mainly consists of?

Ans. Kitchen waste mainly consists of fruits and vegetable peels, egg shells, waste food and tea leaves.

Q18. Where garbage collected by safai karamchari is dumped?

Ans. Garbage collected by safai karamchari is taken to a low lying open area, called a landfill.

Q19. Which items should not be included for making compost?

Ans. Pieces of cloth, polythene bags, broken glass, aluminium wrappers, nails, old shoes, broken toys etc.

Q20. Make a list of garbage which cannot be converted into compost by the red worms?

Ans. Plastic bags, tins, bottles, glass, aluminum foils, broken bangles, steel etc. could not be converted into compost by the redworms.

Q21. How useful components of garbage such biodegradable items are dealt?

Ans. To deal with some of the useful components of garbage, compost making areas are developed near the landfill.

Q22. Earthworms are called farmer’s friend. Why?

Ans. A type of earthworm called redworm is used for composting and helps in increasing the fertility the soil. Thus they are called farmer’s friends.

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Answered by a82317491


Bread. this is the right answer of this question

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