1. Which of the following has highest dipole moment
a) CCL4
b) H2.O
c) CO2
d) BF3
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(b) H2.O
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Answer: H2O
Explanation: In CCl4, all the four chlorines tries to pull electron towards themselves, and so, dipole moment cancels out!
In CO2, the bond order between C and O is 2 , which is a double bond, and so, bond length is very small, so separation of charges is less, so less dipole moment!
BF3 has dipoleoment, but like said in the case of CCl4, here also the opposite dipole moment cancels , and in the end, only one fluorine pulls, so less dipole moment!
In H2O , there is a good difference in the electronegativity of the atoms and so the electrons move towards oxygen, and due to this charge separation we find dipole moment present here without any issues like the previous ones!
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