Biology, asked by Kanishka995, 4 months ago

1. Which one of the following
the following do not have an
embryo stage
a) Ipomoea b) Marsilea c)Riccia D) Cladophora

2. Which of following is a member of cryptogams?
a)fern b) Cycas c)Paphiopedium d) Pinus

3. Which of the following have a vascular system
& Chara b) Marsilea () Funaria d) Ulva.

4. Which of the following have naked naked embryos called asspores
a) cycas b) Ipomoea c) Pinus d)spirogyra


Answered by tejaspatelq9824


I think in first b comes


2. c


4. a

I hope so my is right

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