English, asked by vishmadas420, 1 year ago

1) Which speaker label is correct? 2) What is the correct answer of 2+2*3+2+2*2=? 3) Choose the correct form for full verbatim: 4) If a client requires timestamping on speaker change, which format would that be? 5) Timestamping time format must be: 6) How will you mark something that you can’t quite distinguish in the audio file? 7) The client requires time stamping every two minutes. You need to transcribe the 10-20 minute part of the audio. Where do you start time stamping? 8) Which text format is this “The transcribed text does not include speech errors, false starts and various filler words, such as: um, uh, hmm, so, you know, sort of, etc.” 9) Which text format is this, “The text is transcribed exactly as it sounds and includes all the utterances of the speakers. ”? 10) How will you mark something that you can’t hear in the audio file? 11) If a client requests timestamping every two minutes, how would it look? 12) Choose the correct form:


Answered by arushiguptabdbd
hey in India has and a lot few years the new York Delhi and the fact other things hand over the past year few days and ago that I in with my mum and dad are so
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