1. Who was Peterson?
2. List any three things Sherlock Holmes deduced about Henry Baker after examinin
the hat
3. Were the thugs who assaulted Henry Baker involved in stealing the carbundet
4. Which sentence in the story tells us Henry Baker was not a bachelor!
5. Which incident in the story is the turning point that helped Sherlock Holmes sols
the case faster. "from chapter the adventure of the blue carbuncle"
1=Jordan Bernt Peterson (born 12 June 1962) is a Canadian clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto.
2=Holmes deduces that Henry Baker is an intelligent man, based on the size of the hat, is less well off than he had once been, based on the outdated style of the hat, and is a man of self-respect, based on the attempts to hide the condition of the hat.
3=Baker explains that he didn't try to look for the lost bird and hat because he was certain he wouldn't be able to get them back, and that the thugs who assaulted him probably stole his stuff, too.
4=He qualified with a Bachelor (1913) and Master (1915) of Law. He served in the First World War, where he was awarded the Distinguished Service Order.
5=no idea?