English, asked by nithurintha, 10 months ago

1. who was Rukku Mani?
2. whose chappals were given to beggar?
3. what do you think "what ever Ravi did was good or bad"?
4, Describe beggar?
5. What is the role of Paddu Mama in the story?


Answered by lodhahimanshu254

ans1,rukku mani was of mother of Ravi and Meena

ans2 the music Master chappal given to beggar

ans3. in my opinion he did good because he helped a poor beggar but in opponion of rukku Mani hi did bad because he gave the music Master chappal

ans4. begger is a person who is very poor and have did not money

ans5. paddu Mama did not wear chappals when the music Master was very angry rukkumani gave paddu mama chappal to music Master to cald down music master anger

Answered by Neehanz

1:- Mridu's aunt and Lalli ,Ravi And Meena's mother

2:-Music master's chappals

3:-Good because he felt bad for the beggar and give the chappal

4:- The beggar has coming to Rukku mani's house for last few weeks, until he found another house. when he reached there, he would spread his upper cloth and rest for a while, then the children came and ask the beggar to go away, he showed his blisters on his foot, so they feel bad for him and give the music master's chappals,then he left happily

5:- The role of Paddu Mama was paati don't know there is a kitten. if she knows she will go to Paddu Mama's house

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