English, asked by snmahapatre, 11 months ago

1. Why are the girls taken out of school ? 2. What is not regarded as investment ? 3. Why does the rich class education their girls ? 4. Why do the parents not like to send their girl child to school?


Answered by neetubinku11

Millions of girls aren't at school today. They are shut out of education because of discrimination, poverty, emergencies and cultures.

Figures from UNICEF last year showed that about 32 million girls of primary school age and 29 million of lower secondary school age are not getting an education.

1. Early marriage

Pakistan has made new efforts to crack down on child marriage.

Too often marriage is seen as a higher priority than education. The low value attached to girls’ schooling means few other options are available to them.

Boys can be affected but most victims of child marriage are girls. It is estimated that every year 15 million girls are married before they turn 18.

There are child marriages in every part of the world, including Europe and north America.

2. Pregnancy

One million girls under 15 give birth each year .In many parts of the world, girls who are pregnant - regardless of their circumstances - will be excluded from school.

3. Violence at school

Girls face bullying and harassment at school .

Not only is this a violation of their human rights, it is also one of the most common causes for girls to drop out of school.

An estimated 246 million girls and boys are harassed and abused on their way to and at school every year - with girls particularly vulnerable. In Africa, half of all children said they had been bullied at school..

4. Lack of funding

Too many girls are being left behind because funding is targeted to boys' education.

Funding is an important issue when looking at reasons why girls aren’t in school. Education for girls is often the lowest budget priority in many countries.

Daughters are perceived to be less valuable once educated, and less likely to abide by the will of the father, brother or husband.

5. Child/domestic labour

Millions of girls spend every day working to help feed themselves and their families.Girls often stay home to take care of younger siblings and bear the main burden of housework. While educating a boy is considered a sound investment, it is sometimes considered to be a waste of time for girls.

Many girls begin working as early as five years old. Child domestic workers are particularly vulnerable to trafficking, forced labour, sexual violence and many health issues.

6. Dangerous journeys

The walk to school can be dangerous or intimidating .

Most parents are unwilling to allow their daughters to walk long distances to school or take routes that could be dangerous.

During violent conflicts, girls are deliberately targeted by armed groups and government forces. They often suffer sexual violence, abduction, intimidation and harassment.

7. Poor sanitation

Too many schools don't have separate toilets and washrooms for girls .In many parts of the world it’s not as easy as raising your hand and asking to go to the toilet.

Many girls - particularly adolescents who are menstruating - don't go to school because of a lack of privacy, unavailability of sanitary disposal facilities and water shortages.

8. Too few female teachers

Female teachers can be an encouragement for girls to attend school .The lack of female teachers in some countries can make school a daunting experience for girls. The presence of more women would provide a girl-friendly environment that would put young girls at ease.

In the United States, about three-quarters of school teachers are female. But in African countries such as Liberia and the Central African Republic only about one in five primary teachers are women.

9. They live in war zones

Conflict leaves millions of girls out of school.The long-term effects of growing up in a conflict zone are devastating and UNICEF estimates that 48.5 million children worldwide are missing school because of wars and conflicts.

Attacks on girls' schools also mean many parents are afraid to send their daughters to school.

10. Disabilities

Girls with disabilities are marginalised in many countries .

Girls with disabilities face discrimination both because of their gender and their disability, making them among the most marginalised groups of children.

11. Their countries are poor

Poorer countries can be in a cycle of poverty and lack of education.Some of the poorest countries in the world struggle to finance an education system for all their children.

12. Because they are girls

Just being a girl is often enough to deny education.Often, girls are marginalised and are out of school simply because they are girls and it is not the cultural norm. Their chances of getting a quality education are even smaller if they come from a poor family, live in a rural area or have a disability.

Girls' education

Millions of girls and young women miss out on school - even though educating girls has huge benefits for health, prosperity and security. There has been progress but much work is still needed to break down barriers that prevent girls from going to school such as child marriage and cultural discrimination.

Hope it helps ❣️

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