English, asked by dkrai72, 8 months ago

1. Why are the students sent into the hallway?


Answered by nadimpallitanmayi


Being sent outside is an attempt to separate the student from peers, both so the student can calm down and the peers can stop watching the show and get back to work. The activity that is planned for the day is being interrupted, even when the student is redirected and moved to a closer location. They cannot be part of the class right now. It will interrupt plans for the day and could lead to worse behavior.

The most important job a teacher has is making sure students follow directions. If a student will not follow a direction to sit in a new seat, move to a closer location, or wait outside for a minute, there is no choice but to remove them from the classroom completely. They cannot be part of the class right now. They are a threat to the classroom climate and a danger to other students at this point.

A bit more detail …

Sending a student outside is not my usual strategy. I do not like it when emotional students are in places where I cannot see them. If a student is having difficulties, I want to watch and listen very closely. My radar is up and this kid is on it. I prefer to switch their seat close to me so I can redirect and keep them focused. I can see if their reactions are emotional. I can do something. If a kid is ‘sent out’ and standing outside of my room unsupervised, they are stewing in whatever emotional mess is stressing them out. They aren’t dealing with it, they aren’t being allowed to ask for help, and they aren’t moving forward.

But … if I did send them out, and I have before, it would be to get the student away from a stressful situation. It could be name calling with peers, inappropriate actions in class, refusing to follow directions, etc. Things that are going to possibly cause a fight or that might interrupt my lesson plans. These are things that are interrupting the class activity or endangering the classroom environment. These are things that can escalate.

If it was something worse, like actually threatening someone, violence, bullying, sexual harassment, etc, then I would call security and send them to the office immediately with a written explanation. At this point, the student has crossed boundaries that I need to maintain a safe, fun, and effective classroom environment. They have become a danger to themselves and/or to other students. These are things that have already escalated.

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