Art, asked by JeonJimin22019, 7 months ago

1) Why do you think British introduced different types of land revenue settlements in India?

2) Name the three types of land revenue settlements.

3) List out the terms of Permanent settlement.

4) Permanent settlement was not liked by Indian peasants, explain with its limitations.

5) Differentiate between the ryotwari and mahalwari settlement.

6) What are the limitations of mahalwari settlement?

7) What do you understand by commercialization of agriculture?

8) State the two objectives fulfilled by Development of opium.

9) How did cultivation of sugar and indigo affect the peasants?

10) Describe the plight of peasants after the commercialization of agriculture.

11) Explain the impact of colonial agrarian policy.

I'm giving extra points but please give correct answer .


Answered by Anonymous


1. The government of Lord William Bentinck, Governor-General of India (1828 to 1835) introduced the Mahalwari system of land revenue in 1833. This system was introduced in North-West Frontier, Agra, Central Province, Gangetic Valley, Punjab, etc. This had elements of both the Zamindari and the Ryotwari systems.

2. Three major systems of land revenue collection existed in India. They were – Zaminidari, Ryotwari and Mahalwari.

3. The Permanent Settlement, also known as the Permanent Settlement of Bengal, was an agreement between the East India Company and Bengali landlords to fix revenues to be raised from land that had far-reaching consequences for both agricultural methods and productivity in the entire British Empire and the political ...

4. Since the permanent settlement made Zamindars owners of land, peasants were left at their mercy. The Peasants had no right over land and could be kicked out any time. Zamindars got arbitrary powers to eject the cultivator and forfeit the agriculture stock for non-payment.

5. In the Ryotwari system, the Ryot or the individual cultivator has a full right on the sale, transfer and leasing of the land. Whereas, in the Mahalwari system, an entire village was converted into a big unit of revenue collection and treated as one unit for the collection of revenue.

6. (i) The farmers/cultivators were being exploited. (ii) The farmers were bound to pay the taxes even in drought. (iii) The lands of the farmers were being confiscated by the money lender.

7. Commercialisation of agriculture is a phenomenon where agriculture is governed by commercial consideration i.e. certain specialised crops began to be grown not for consumption in village but for sale in national and even in international market.

8. ) State the two objectives fulfilled by Development of opium

Ans given in Pic

9. Because of Indigo

The peasants were compelled to plant Indigo rather than the food Crops. The peasants were provided loans called "dadon" for indigo planting which was at a very high interest rate. The loan made the people indebted and resulted in a rebellion. The leaders were Digambar and Bishnu Bishwas

10. I don't know

11. The land revenue exacted from the peasants varied between 1 /3rd to 1/5th of the, gross produce. The land revenue was payable to the King, directly or through his intermediaries who were the chiefs, the assignees, the grantees, the revenue farmers. -They maximized revenue collection to the extent possible

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