Social Sciences, asked by Jenniliya77, 2 months ago

1. Why does the pupil of our eye contract in bright light?
2. Barbers use two mirrors to show the haircut. Give reasons.
3. How is myopia different from hypermetropia?


Answered by anshveer52

This is caused when the light rays from a far away object falls at a distance just before the retina. this problem can be avoided by using concave lens. Hypermetropia is nothing but long sightedness. Person can see a far object clearly and cannot see a nearby object perfectly.

Answered by mayajakhar79



Ans 1:- The number of sunshine entering in our eyes during daytime is way over required for our brain to interpret, therefore the pupil contract for bright light.

Ans 2:- If two mirrors are placed inclined to every other with an angle, multiple images are formed as an example, barbers use two mirrors to indicate the haircut like two mirrors we will see both the front and back at the identical time. It makes us to work out all the direction of haircut.

Ans 3:-

  • Myopia: (Inability to perceive being closer)
  1. In this eye balls are too long or eye lenses are too thick.
  2. A short- sighted person can clearly see nearby objects but is unable to possess a transparent vision of distant objects.
  • Hypermetropia: (Inability to perceive distant objects)
  1. Hyperopia is long sightedness where you discover it difficult to work out objects near and in myopia, which is brief sightedness, it's difficult to determine objects that are very isolated.
  2. Both can not be inability to perceive distant objects.


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