Physics, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

1) Why if air is totally removed 2 bodies of different masses fall simultaneously?
2) Why acceleration due gravity does not depend upon mass of a body?
 Describe it briefly or else don't answer


Answered by sriansh
When air is totally removed and 2 bodies of different masses are simultaneously made 2 fall from d same height, they will reach d ground simultaneously.  Thus, all bodies travel the same distance in d same time interval of time in vacuum. N
Acceleration due 2 gravity does not depend on d mass of a body bcz the aaceleration due to gravity is same for all bodies and it is uniformly accelerated. 

kvnmurty: you have not specified why - bodies fall simultaneouly
Answered by kvnmurty
1) If air is totally removed in the space where two bodies of different masses are falling, then the air resistance faced by the bodies is zero. The acceleration due to gravity is the acceleration of the two bodies towards the ground. Same initial speed and same acceleration, so the bodies fall simultaneously.
When air is present the bodies face different air resistances (buoyancy forces), so their accelerations are different and less than g.

2) Acceleration due to gravity g = G Me /Re²  where G = gravitational constant, Me is the mass of Earth and Re is radius of Earth.  It comes to 9.8 m/sec².  It does not depend on the mass.
               g = weght /mass = gravitational force / mass
                          = GMm/d² / mass  =  G Me / Re²

Anonymous: i didn't get the 2nd ans, plz explain more briefly
kvnmurty: u mean more elaborately. two bodies starting from rest from same point in air, will fall with same speed and will reach earth at the same time. If there is air, it will exert a force called buoyancy force. If you leave cotton and a stone from a height, stone reaches floor first. This is because of the density of cotton is less and the buoyancy force of air pushes it upwards. so cotton floats a little. If air is not there, then cotton, paper, stone all will reach the floor at the same t
kvnmurty: if there is no air, there is no obstruction for the falling particles. so all will follow same path
Anonymous: no, i said 2 elaborate the 2nd ans
kvnmurty: gravitational force of attraction due to Earth = F = G Me m / Re² . Acceleration due to gravity g is defined as = F / m ; so g = G Me / Re² . So g is not dependent on mass of an object. it depends only on mass of Earth and Radius of Earth.
kvnmurty: thanx and u are welcom tarun
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