Biology, asked by rajeevpankaj071, 7 months ago

1. Why would life not be possible on the earth in the absence of photosynthesis?
2. Give reasons for the following:
(a) Mushroom is a saprotroph.
(b) Sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms.
(c) Te leaf of a plant ‘dies out’ if its stomata are blocked.
(d) Leaf is known as the food factory of the plant.


Answered by alyssaahall2006

Answer:Because without photosynthesis plants can't make food, and without food plants can't live.Therefore, all life on earth would be dead because plants are an essential part of life.Mushrooms are a saprotroph because mushrooms contain no chlorophyll so they are heterotroph and most are considered saprophytes. as they obtain their nutrition from metabolizing nonliving organic matter. Mushroom is a Saprotroph: Mushrooms belong to the kingdom fungi, which are organisms that grow on dead and decaying matter.Sun is the source for all living organisms because It gives thermal energy of and without it we wouldn't be able to live.The tea leaf plant dies when its stomata is blocked because when it is blocked the food can't transfer and give energy to the plant.Te leaf is known as the food factory of the plant because it takes in sunlight and converts it into food all in that leaf so it is pretty much a factory.

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