English, asked by DDivk, 10 months ago

1. With reference to your Drama Merchant of Venice answer the questions :

Bassanio : Fair Portia's counterfeit ! What demi-god
Hath come to near creation?Move these eyes ?

(a) What has happened at this time? Why is Bassanio so ecstatic over this discovery ?

(b) How does Bassanio elaborate on the theme of the creation of "fair Portia's counterfit”by a

(c) State the sum and substance of the writing upon the scroll that Bassanio finds in the casket ..

(d) Why does Bassanio say a little later that he is like a doubtful competitor in some form of
combat ?

(e) Comment briefly on Portia's depression of herself when she is fully assured Bassanio is to
wed her​


Answered by clareesa27


In Belmont, Portia reveals her preference for Bassanio. She asks him to hang out with her for a month or two before he takes the casket test, as she'd rather have him around for a while before he's forced to leave her company if (when?) he makes the wrong choice.  

She wishes she could teach Bassanio how to interpret the challenge (read: cheat), but that would be breaking her oath, darn it.

Bassanio says he wants to take the test now. All this waiting around is like being on the rack (a medieval torture device used to stretch people until they broke).

Portia plays along and asks what treason Bassanio has committed that he deserves the rack. Just the treason of mistrust, Bassanio says. He's scared to love Portia fully now, since he doesn't know if he'll be sticking around.  

Then he confesses that he does love Portia, so they should just do this thing already.  

Portia has everyone back off so he can choose in peace. She insists that music be played, so if he loses, he can do it gracefully, but if he stays, then they've already got music playing for their party. How nice! (See the "Symbolism" section for more on this.)

She compares Bassanio to Hercules ("Alcides"), rescuing the virgin paid as tribute by Troy to a sea monster. Portia says she herself is the sacrifice, and if Bassanio survives this test, then she will live again.

Portia begins a song about how people fall in love while Bassanio considers the caskets.

Answered by yadaashish19


Why is Bassanio so ecstatic over his discovery?

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