Chemistry, asked by Arnavsinghal, 1 year ago

1. Wool is wed as a winter clothing
Sericulture is opposed by the people working for animal protection
Silkworms are killed by placing the cocoons in hot water
4. The workers working in woollen industries suffer from Sorter's disease.
Caterpillars need to shed their skin.


Answered by anandjha7980665163


Basic concepts – A Flow Chart



Plant Fibres

 Produced from cocoon of

silkworm Bomyx Mori.

 Rearing of silkworms for

obtaining silk is called


Obtaining Wool Fibre

Shearing : Fleece of the sheep along

with a thin layer of skin is removed

from its body.

Processing of Wool Fibre

 Scouring : Sheared hair is cleaned and washed

in tanks to remove grease, dust and dirt.

 Sorting : Cleaned hair is sent to a factory

where hair of different textures are separated.

 Hair is sent into a ‘Carding’ machine where the

loose wool fibres are combed into a sheet and

then twisted into rope or silver.

 This silver is twisted and stretched into a yarn

 The yarn is wound to form balls of wool.

Animals Fibres


 Organisms that obtain their food from other

animals either by living inside (endoparasites )

or outside (Ectoparasites) their body.

 Example: tapeworm and roundworm (inside

body), tick and lice (outside body).

Sources of Wool


 Cocoons are gathered and boiled,

exposed to steam or treated in ovens.

 Boiling water dissolves the gummy

substance that holds the cocoon

filament and silk fibres separate out.

 Reeling or filature: The fibres are

joined, twisted and then combined with

a number of other filaments to make a

number of other filaments to make a


Sources of Silk Processing of Silk Fibre

Wool is obtained from sheep. Yak

(Tibet and Ladakh), Angora Goat,

Camels, llama and Aplaca (South



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