1. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper deseribing the
insanitary conditions prevailing in your town.
2000 words
i dunno
Step-by-step explanation:
i dunno
Step-by-step explanation:
The Editor,
The Tribune,
()your place )
Through the columns of your esteemed paper, I want to draw the attention of the municipal committee authorities to the insanitary conditions of the bazaars and streets of Gobindgard.
Sweepers do not sweep the streets and clouds of dust rise and enter ears, noses and throats of the people move out of the house l, a thick layer of dust settles on their clothes. Why are the roads not sprinkled with water ? Are the authorities waiting for the next monsoon ? There are a large number of pits in the streets whare water is allowed to stand. This stagnant water is a favourite breeding place for the mosquitoes. This water shoud be removed and the pits shoud be filled with dust otherwise an epidemic will spread in the town.
It is high time that the authorities shoud wake up and discharge their duties efficiently in the interest of public health.
your truly
(your name )