English, asked by khanhayahk, 1 month ago

1. Write a paragraph on how you will spread awareness among your friends to save an endangered animal.

2. Write an article for your school magazine sharing your experience of meeting your 'Class Teacher' for the first time.

3. Last Sunday you finished your RFP book "The Girl Who Chose'. Write a book review on it for your friend and encourage him/her to read it once.

4. Write an application to your Principal requesting him/her to get the Digi Board of your class repaired as soon as possible.​


Answered by aditigupta080356

1. Reduce And Reuse

Reuse items in your household when you can, and buy products that produce less packaging waste. By purchasing second-hand furniture, clothes, electronics, and toys, you help reduce the energy consumption required to make new ones and produce less waste as well. Choose reusable bottles for beverages whenever you can. Use a reusable bag for your groceries, and carry your own container to the restaurant for the leftovers.

Don’t Use Harsh Chemicals In Your Household

Toxic chemicals used in laundry, housecleaning, dish washing and personal care products end up in underground waters, poisoning aquatic life and any animals that feed on them. Choose non-toxic products, or make your own.

Dispose Of Waste Properly

Recycle plastics, paper, metal cans and glass. When you take out your trash, see that the bag is sealed safely so you don’t litter by accident. Dangerous compounds such as car fluids, paint, bleach, batteries, pesticides, and other chemical substances should be disposed of properly at a specialized facility.

Prevent Soil Erosion

Take all necessary measures to prevent soil erosion and protect water resources close by used by wild animals. When you clear out vegetation, you must take all necessary precautions that any loose sediment is kept away from natural waterways, as it would consume all oxygen from the water and disrupt the habitat of the stream bed.

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