1 write a program
to demonstrate
static ,variables
methods and
The static variable is a class level variable and it is common to all the class objects i.e. a single copy of the static variable is shared among all the class objects.
A static method manipulates the static variables in a class. It belongs to the class instead of the class objects and can be invoked without using a class object.
The static initialization blocks can only initialize the static instance variables. These blocks are only executed once when the class is loaded.
A program that demonstrates this is given as follows:
public class Demo {
static int x = 10;
static int y;
static void func(int z) {
System.out.println("x = " + x);
System.out.println("y = " + y);
System.out.println("z = " + z);
static {
System.out.println("Running static initialization block.");
y = x + 5;
public static void main(String args[]) {
Running static initialization block.
x = 10
y = 15
z = 8
Now let us understand the above program.
The class Demo contains static variables x and y. The static method func() prints the values of x, y and z. A code snippet which demonstrates this is as follows:
static int x = 10;
static int y;
static void func(int z) {
System.out.println("x = " + x);
System.out.println("y = " + y);
System.out.println("z = " + z);
The static initialization block initializes the static variable y. In the main() method, the func() method is called. A code snippet which demonstrates this is as follows:
static {
System.out.println("Running static initialization block.");
y = x + 5;
public static void main(String args[]) {
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