1. Write a storey Line about 100words) with the help.
of the pointe given below and add a sütable title:
LPoints: A soldier prisoner of wars for sees a bird seller buys all the birds sets them freebhis fellings

The Soldier and The Caged Bird
Long long ago there was a war between two kingdom,In this war a soldier was confined in prison for several years.After some years,at last the war came to an end and the solider was set free.Getting freedom he was overwhelmed with joy and became a free man once more.He began to return his home.On his way,he saw a bird's.The birds were in a cage. The sight of the caged in a caged birds at once reminded him of his own suffering in prison.He become very sad.
So he bought all the cage full of birds and opened the door of the cage to let all the birds to fly out of the cage in the open sky.In the long ran,the Soldier began to walk towards his house in glee.
[Moral:-Freedom is real happiness.]