Science, asked by sriganeshandco2957, 1 year ago

1- write any two ways of energy flow through an ecosystem.

2- Differentiate between biodegradable and non biodegradble with respect to the effect of biological processes on them and the way they affect our environment .

3-which level shows the maximum biological magnification? why?

4- why is pond self - sustaining unit while an acuarium may not be? Justify the answer .

5- Arrange grasshopper, frog, grass, eagle, and snake in the form of food chain.

6- If 1000KJ energy is available at producer lever , how much energy will be available at first carnival level?

7- why do most food chains have 3-5 steps why?

8- Select the biodegradable items from the list given blow-

Poythene bages, old clothes, wilted flowers, pencil shavings, glass bangles, bronze statue. vagetable peels.

9- what will be impact on ecosystem if bacteria and fungi are removed from the Environment?

10-Exoress your feeling on the picture given down below. What will happen if all?

Carnivores are eleiminated from the environment ? What measures will you take to save? Tiger?


Answered by Ativle31
5. Grass Grasshopper Frog Snake Eagle

Ativle31: Did it help u
Answered by Anonymous

1.A) Through the principle of energy transformation.

B)Due to the food chain principle of any ecosystem.

2. Biodegradable waste materials are less harmful for our nature ,as they naturally decompose.But non biodegradable waste materials are more harmful for our nature as they don't naturally decompose.

3.Biological magnification is actually the chemical contamination in the environment and it is largely affecting our ecosystem.

4.Because pond is generally a natural water source,but aquariums are the artificial.


6.70% of the total energy.

7.Due to the existence of different corresponding species in every ecosystem.

8.old clothes, wilted flowers, pencil shavings, vegetable shavings

9.the total ecosystem will be destroyed,due to the major contributions of these fungi and bacterias.

10.If all the carnivores extinct from the environment,the green plant eating species will be increased,and the natural health of the ecosystem will be ruined.

To save carnivores we have to preserve the natural environment for them.

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