English, asked by mizzkiaoffical25, 1 month ago

1. Write Paragraphs on the following Topics:
i) My School.
ii) My Pet Animal.

2. Write an Article / Story / a Poem on your own, for your Vidyalaya Magazine.

3. Hold an interview with your parents to learn about their school days.
After the interview is complete, Prepare a small report in 3 - 4 paragraphs about the similarities and differences between their and your school days.


Answered by OoMissMirchioO


Half life of first order reaction is 10 minutes find the rate constant

Answered by swarnaswarn0485847

paragraph my school: my school is the place where is stat out learning . apart from learning to read write and excel in academics the school also teachers is valuable life lessons that we can incorporate in our daily lives . it the place where the foundation of our knowledge and Morals are laid. so let look at some of the things that are worth reminding about schools.

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